
Welcome to my journal and ongoing photo album.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

April Showers of Love

Sorry I haven't been on here for awhile, I've been sooooo busy. Mom and Dad can barely keep up with me. I started out this month learning how to pull myself up in my bed, on the couch and on the toy box. I love to stick out my tongue when I stand up, or anytime actually. I just realized that it was there. Somehow I never noticed it before.

Ready for this? I also learned how to crawl this month! Kind of a belly crawl, but it gets me where I want to go. I get faster all the time.

I like it when Dad lets me work on his computer. I know I'll be smarter than him in no time with all the things I read on the internet like he taught me. But the best part is hitting it like a drum as hard as I can and making lots of letters appear on the screen.

Here is a picture of me with Dad and Mom. Mom is always trying to put these stupid bows in my hair. I'm too smart for her though. I pull them out pretty fast, hats get pulled off even faster. I'd rather feel the breeze through my hair.

Everyone thinks I'm such a cutie pie, so I love to ham it up.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is Springing

The coldest months have passed, and thanks to the space heater in the bedroom, we've survived to enjoy another spring.  I've got a couple new outfits to try out.  I'm growing bigger of course!

Mom and Dad have been trying to feed me baby food, but I don't like the consistency--I do like cheerios, and saltine crackers, the ones without the salt.  I like green beans, too.  When dinner is over, I like to hang out in an easy chair and cuddle with Sundae

Another of my favorite activities is squirming around on a beach towel.  Crawling is not the right word, because I don't have the hang of it yet.  I may learn to walk around the same time I figure out how to crawl, it seems.

Every baby should be equipped with a jumpy!  I have so much fun in this thing, I'm surprised it's legal.  Well, I don't know if it is legal or not.  I'm a baby, not a lawyer.
 Happy March everybody.  Happy Spring!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cutie Pie

I can win any staring contest. You should try me. I love to look at everybody and everything around me. My favorite place is the grocery store. I also like to hang out on the living room floor and watch my animals walking around me. I can crawl backward by scooting but I can't quite go forward yet. I love to roll over and have gotten very good at it. I can find a way to get any toy near me.

Daddy brought me this chair from my Great Grandma Helen's house. I bet my daddy even got to sit in it when he was little. I love it cause it is just my size. It makes me feel like a big girl sitting all by myself like this.

Daddy took so many pictures of me that day. I look so cute in all of them!

I love to smile at mommy and daddy. I dont want to show them my two new teeth yet though. But I will show everyone how sharp my teeth are if they stick their fingers in my mouth.

I love you all!


Monday, January 31, 2011


Hello gentle reader.  These past two weeks have been fun for me!  I've grown bigger and stronger, of course.  I'm wearing year-old clothes, if that gives you an idea of my size.  Here I am at Jack's basketball game with grandma.
That was fun.  Here I am resting in my favorite place, on top of mom.

Here I am at grandpa Duane's birthday party...

Dad is helping me learn to stand with an easy chair in this next picture.

And finally, this is a shot of me sleeping in my new crib.  It's spacious and comfortable.  I'm laying in my favorite position.

Goodnight and sleep tight!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Growth Fund

Today I played at home with mom, and in the afternoon we drove down to Littleton to get my brother and sister.  My siblings adore me and shower me with affection.  I couldn't ask for a better family, and I try to be thankful and live up to my end of the deal--to be adorable.  Not difficult, since it's one of my stronger qualities.

Dad's been letting me try different foods.  I didn't like applesauce, although I loved slurping on a fresh apple.  I loved the potato from the beef stew, and I enjoyed a piece of broccoli too, see for yourself!
When I want to relax I go to my special place, my play pen.  I'm surrounded by toys, and I'm positioned by the kitchen, to keep close to the action.  Here I am enjoying my pacifier in my play pen.
In other news, my bassinet is almost too small!
My favorite part of each day is when mom and I curl up together for a nap.
Well thanks for tuning in.  See you next time!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

One Snowy Night

Daddy still keeps trying to feed me gooey mush all the time. I am too smart for him though. I open my mouth for my spoon but not for his spoon. Daddy gave me a hard cookie to suck on today but Mommy took it away just when I was starting to like it. She ruins all my fun.

We are staying home tonight since there is a lot of snow outside. I don't like the snow much since it is so cold and wet. Mom made me sit on it so she could take my picture. My big brother and sister had lots of fun playing in the snow.

Love to you all on this cold snowy night!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blue Eyes

I counted today--I am 161 days old.  Also today, dad weighed me at 19 pounds.
That's not my kennel.  Promise!

Peter Baggus.

New shoes, my first pair!  Thanks mom!

What did the frog say to his beautiful girlfriend?  "My dear, you look ribbet-ing!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Whew, 2010 was a wild year.  First, I was incubating.  I had no idea what was going on!  Then, I was born.  Still clueless, of course--I could barely see in front of my own face.  I learned pretty quickly about breastfeeding though, and I learned to recognize my parents by their voices and their warm embrace, and finally by their smiling visages.  These days I'm confident and strong.  I have the right attitude to carry me through the day.  I still cry for mom when I wake up from my nap, but hey, I'm a baby, after all.  At least I say "mama!" instead of just wailing indiscriminately.  I know a few words, but don't tell mom and dad, or they'll never let up trying to cajole me into saying them.  I'm told that 2011 will be the best year yet, in the history of the world!  I can't wait to see!
Looking forward to 2011.