
Welcome to my journal and ongoing photo album.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

April Showers of Love

Sorry I haven't been on here for awhile, I've been sooooo busy. Mom and Dad can barely keep up with me. I started out this month learning how to pull myself up in my bed, on the couch and on the toy box. I love to stick out my tongue when I stand up, or anytime actually. I just realized that it was there. Somehow I never noticed it before.

Ready for this? I also learned how to crawl this month! Kind of a belly crawl, but it gets me where I want to go. I get faster all the time.

I like it when Dad lets me work on his computer. I know I'll be smarter than him in no time with all the things I read on the internet like he taught me. But the best part is hitting it like a drum as hard as I can and making lots of letters appear on the screen.

Here is a picture of me with Dad and Mom. Mom is always trying to put these stupid bows in my hair. I'm too smart for her though. I pull them out pretty fast, hats get pulled off even faster. I'd rather feel the breeze through my hair.

Everyone thinks I'm such a cutie pie, so I love to ham it up.