
Welcome to my journal and ongoing photo album.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is Springing

The coldest months have passed, and thanks to the space heater in the bedroom, we've survived to enjoy another spring.  I've got a couple new outfits to try out.  I'm growing bigger of course!

Mom and Dad have been trying to feed me baby food, but I don't like the consistency--I do like cheerios, and saltine crackers, the ones without the salt.  I like green beans, too.  When dinner is over, I like to hang out in an easy chair and cuddle with Sundae

Another of my favorite activities is squirming around on a beach towel.  Crawling is not the right word, because I don't have the hang of it yet.  I may learn to walk around the same time I figure out how to crawl, it seems.

Every baby should be equipped with a jumpy!  I have so much fun in this thing, I'm surprised it's legal.  Well, I don't know if it is legal or not.  I'm a baby, not a lawyer.
 Happy March everybody.  Happy Spring!